Sunday, March 12, 2023

Government And Compelled Speech

It seems there are people who want to use the power of government to tell you what you have to say. Which of course reminded me of something, in this case the Three Christs of Ypsilanti.

From a 2022 post:

...For a more lighthearted look at abnormal psychology there's that time a researcher in a state mental institution brought together three paranoid schizophrenics who thought they were Jesus, written up as The Three Christs of Ypsilanti. After a rather tense beginning they each became slightly more accepting of the others but eventually it all broke down:

....The relative friendliness that the men showed to each other – which Rokeach put down to the patients attempting to appear amenable, as befitting their status as the son of God – soon broke down and led to verbal and physical fights between the three "Jesuses".

In one meeting, Clyde declared that Leon "oughta worship me, I'll tell you that"....
....MUCH MORE, IFL Science, July 6, 2021

Now the question before us is: Should government tell citizens they must accept Clyde as he presents himself? And further, should government, through its vast array of coercive tools and techniques, require that we refer to Clyde as Jesus?

Asking for a friend.