Monday, March 20, 2023

The Recent Dutch Election May Have More Consequences Than Originally Thought

The early reporting relayed the count of the votes at 15 seats (20%) for the new party, impressive 0 to 20 acceleration but not enough to impact the government. That may have changed with the final tally, as the various parties might have to, at minimum, keep talking about reducing the economy-wide—and personal—effects of the nitrogen rules.

I use the "might" and the "may" because I am about as ignorant of Dutch electoral politics as one can be. Besides knowing the Dutch histories of imperialism, financial innovation, art and reinsurance ("...Not to mention the herverzekering crowd in Amsterdam, they're tough bastards.") I am dumb as a bag of rocks about The Netherlands. Thankfully, this woman isn't:

Oh, and this guy on twitter, he seems to have a good sense of humor: