Monday, April 11, 2022

"The Secrets of Zugzwang in Chess, Math and Pizzas" (and maybe Putin)

From Quanta Magazine, April 8:

Learn the magic and math of how to win games when your opponent goes first. 

Most games that pit two players or teams against each other require one of them to make the first play. This results in a built-in asymmetry, and the question arises: Should you go first or second?

Most people instinctively want to go first, and this intuition is usually borne out. In common two-player games, such as chess or tennis, it is a real, if modest, advantage to “win the toss” and go first. But sometimes it’s to your advantage to let your opponent make the first play.

In our February Insights puzzle, we presented four disparate situations in which, counterintuitively, the obligation to move is a serious and often decisive disadvantage. In chess, this is known as zugzwang — a German word meaning “move compulsion.” Let’s see how the strange magic of zugzwang is realized in each of our four scenarios....