Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Listening To War Propaganda Can Really, Really Cost You Money

Alt-headline was going to be "By George I Think She's Got It!" But the lady in question is not Eliza Doolittle and her speech is a damn sight closer to received pronunciation than it is to Cockney.
(plus, it's not as if she just came upon this fact o' the markets, she's been laying out the "Who do you trust" angle for years.)

This is exactly the reason I was posting on the Ukrainian neo-Nazis last night.

There is all this blather from the talking heads that Russia's situation is dire, that Putin better think of abdicating (autocrats abdicate, right?) that... well you know what is being put out.

Yet, the same neo-Nazis that were the shock troops of the Maidan coup are just about surrounded and another 10 to 15,000 Ukrainian military west of the Donbas are about to be cut off from Kyiv and resupply.

This is why General Breedlove (Ret.) and President Zelensky and a host of warmongering media are calling for a no-fly zone over Ukraine, which means you have to back it up, which means shooting down Russian planes which means WW3.

And speaking of which, here's "WW3 Watch: Blind Spot OSINT (01/03/2022)"