Monday, March 14, 2022

Is it Time For Izabella Kaminska To Adopt A Nom de Guerre?

If she keeps writing inconvenient truths under her own name she is not going to be invited to the Atlantic Council/GCHQ/Davos/CIA/NATO Christmas parties:

....After all what good is Chinese control over Russia without access to Ukrainian wheat supply and Black Sea access?  But there is an inconvenient truth at the heart of all this that we need to face up to quickly. In an actual WW3 scenario Russia + China vs The West is a winning combination for the former not the latter. Only in a Russia + The West vs China situation, does Western liberalism stand a chance. The problem is The West decided years ago that it can’t be seen collaborating with Putin. This is despite a longstanding history of happily cooperating with other despotic regimes for the sake of “the greater good”. Better the devil you know does not work in Putin’s case for some reason. At this point, however, we are beyond any change of heart. That boat long sailed with the RussiaGate scandal....

That is just one-half of one comment in one section of today's linkwrap:

In the Blind Spot today (Polish sanctions, Biolabs, Covid)

On war names, let's see, Boudica (the original "What have the Romans ever done for us") has already been taken...

Since Izzy spent quite a bit of time in Southwark: Great Dover Street woman? Nope, nope again it's been taken. Maybe getting away from the Roman days and looking toward the Femmes Résistantes is the way to go...