Tuesday, November 2, 2021

"Soylent CEO on shift towards middle America..."

Are they talking about outputs or inputs? "Now corn- fed, plumper, more marbling!"

From AgFunderNews:

A few weeks ago, I interviewed Soylent CEO Demir Vangelov for the Future Food podcast. Soylent is best known for its meal replacement drinks, which were seen as being a hit with many busy entrepreneurs and venture capitalists – though not necessarily a majority of them, as several of those who’ve previously appeared on Future Food might attest.

A somewhat controversial category on the podcast’s ‘hot or not’ rounds, multiple guests responded negatively to the concept of replacing meals with a drink like Soylent.

The future of food will involve more science, more sustainability, and more transparency – read Vangelov’s guest commentary for AFN here

But Soylent appears to have taken this on board. In recent years, it started marketing itself a ‘nutrition company,’ with a small but growing number of product lines made entirely from plants.

Perhaps as a result of this strategic shift, Soylent became profitable in mid-2020. All of this roughly coincided with Vangelov’s appointment as CEO nearly two years ago; he’d previously served as both the company’s chief financial officer and chief operating officer, starting 2018....


Oops, never mind. I misunderstood where the headline was going. Plus it is new management.

Some of our posts regarding the old management: 

Soylent's Founder Steps Down as CEO

A week late getting to this but it closes a chapter that for us began with a couple January 2013 posts:
Soylent, the sludge-like drink that claims to replace real food, valued at $100 million
Andreessen Horowitz on Soylent: It's not just Soylent, It's the Soylent community (GPRO)

Yes kids, VC's actually spoke like that back in the day. 

Some of the mile markers along the road:
June 2015 
"The Future of Food Is Food"
October 2016 
Soylent's New Food Bar Is Giving People Diarrhea
November 2016 
Disruption: Soylent Says It Knows Why It Is Making It's Customers Poop and Puke
December 2016 
Soylent Ingredient Provisioner Pooh-Poohs Diarrhea Accusation, Cuts Off Gruel Maker's Algae Flour Supply
July 2017 
She Tried Soylent. It Didn't Go Well
October 2017
Soylent Has Competition and the Marketing is Gonna Get Weird
October 2017 
Soylent Banned In Canada
Not to put too fine a point on soi-disant Soylent "Food reformatted", but hasn't the Silicon Valley bro-appeal passed its sell-by date on this stuff?

So, in fairness, on to the next chapter.