Tuesday, September 14, 2021

"iRobot unveils new Roomba vacuum that avoids solid pet waste"

Well that certainly is an advancement, what with the mindless smearing of the feces problems of the older models.

Via Yahoo Finance:

iRobot co-founder and CEO Colin Angle joins Yahoo Finance Live to discuss the company's new Roomba j7+ Robot vacuum. [video]

Now, if IRBT can please address this issue:

La Révolution a Commencé: "A robot vacuum tried to eat its sleeping owner's head"
Allons Roombas de la Patrie, Le jour de gloire est arrivé !

3일 경남 창원시 마산회원구 한 주택에 출동한 119구조대원들이 머리카락을 낀 여성을 구조하고 있다.   |창원소방본부 제공