Friday, September 3, 2021

Australia: "‘So when is the next election?’"

There have to be a few Australian politicians glancing at the calendar, taking the temperature of the electorate, and comparing that to the efficacy of the state lockdowns.

House of Representatives election
A House of Representatives election can be requested at any time but, if the Government has control of the House and is able to proceed with its legislative program, the Governor-General is highly unlikely to agree to such a request within the first year of a new parliament.[13]

The latest possible date of the next election is within 68 days from the expiry of the House. As the 46th Parliament first met on Tuesday 2 July 2019, it is therefore due to expire on Friday 1 July 2022.[14] The election for the House of Representatives must therefore be held by 3 September 2022, the last Saturday within this 68 day period. However, an election may be held at any time before that date. Generally, elections are called well before there is a constitutional or legal necessity....

....MUCH MORE (it gets complicated. very complicated) 

There are more and more Australians defying the lockdowns/lockins and somebody like this one-legged parasailing Australian Paul Revere with his warning to the miscreants "The cops are coming, the police are coming up the hill" are close to becoming folk heroes:


Here's a link to the original TikTok post via Newsweek 

And a screengrab: