Friday, February 12, 2021

The Most Dangerous Job In Journalism: Borderland Beat Is Back On The Web

Following up on November 19's"Drug Cartel Exposer Borderland Beat Has Shut Down"

Bringing Life to BB
By Buggs 1/28/2021 12:30:00 AM 57 comments

By Buggs for Borderland Beat
Dear Borderland Beat followers:

We are moving and trying to bring Borderland Beat back to life, hopefully new and improved for 2021. We thank you for your patience and loyal support during these trying times. Borderland Beat remains one of the best sources for current and accurate information on the Mexican drug cartels, all made possible with your support, our followers! We are forever grateful. The Borderland Beat audience is one of the best well informed audience when it comes to the Mexican drug cartels. 

We understand that the decision to suspend the website was deeply felt by our large number of followers, most of which are composed of US law enforcement and others who follow the events of drug cartels. We are making some significant changes to the blog, a new look that will be easier to navigate and allow for more features....


Also on blogroll at right.

Here are some of their recent posts, it's a whole 'nother world. (caution: they cover cartels, it can get gruesome):

3 of the 12 Tamaulipas police officers arrested in recent massacre received U.S. training
Grandson of legendary old Juárez Cartel leader dies in aircraft accident
CDN tries to shoot down a military helicopter in Nuevo León; 5 sicarios killed
DEA Makes Massive Heroin and Fentanyl Bust in Queens, NY
Armed Commando Confront each Other
Nationally-acclaimed businessman from Colima killed outside his hotel
With 100 murders in January, is Ciudad Juárez on the brink of a new gang war?