Saturday, April 11, 2020

In Addition To The Locusts and the Plague, Indonesia's Krakatoa Volcano Just Went Off

From NewsHub New Zealand:

Eruption at Indonesian volcano Krakatoa
The Indonesian volcano Krakatoa, also known as Krakatau, has reportedly erupted.

Reports say it sent a plume of ash several kilometres into the air, with a boom that could be heard from far away.

"Please stop making that booming noise and go to bed, Anak Krakatau. It's late and we've already got plenty of other things to worry about," one person wrote on Twitter.

"Krakatau is erupting nonstop for 2 hours," wrote another. "I live in bogor and I can hear the noises as clear as everybody else hear. This feels like a nightmare."...MORE

HT: Fark

I forgot to mention the locusts. Here's the headline at ZeroHedge: 
African Locust Outbreak Returns; Second Wave Approximately 20 Times Larger

And the Current Headlines at Fark:

I say old chap, I'll give you a pennyweight of eggs for a barleycorn of toilet paper

Famine, fires, floods, earthquakes, even the occasional volcanic eruption. What else could go wrong during a pandemic? Florida tag: hold my beer, I got the answer to this question

What do you get when you combine bananas, popcorn, strawberries, tuna (including the water in the can), Brussels sprouts, creamed corn, bread, black beans, mayonnaise, and imitation butter?
Nurses and doctors working the front line in New York rewarded by having their tires slashed 

Good news: We've passed "peak death toll" ... and if anyone calls their Icelandic Death Metal / Mandy Moore crossover tribute band by that name, well, I'd probably buy a ticket to your virtual concert