Wednesday, March 4, 2020

What's The Plan: Inside Joe Biden's Brain

He's already told us:

“I’m looking forward to appointing the first African American woman to the United States Senate”
—former Vice-President Joseph Biden
Sumter, South Carolina, February 28, 2020

He mixes up the executive and legislative branches. Here's an example:

"My name is Joe Biden. I’m a Democratic candidate for the United States Senate. 
Look me over, if you like what you see, help out. If not, vote for the other Biden” 
—former Vice-President Joseph Biden
First in the South Dinner, Columbia SC, February 24, 2020

Figure it out.
Not buying it? How about Valerie Jarrett:

“I think that whoever emerges tonight, particularly if it’s Bernie Sanders, if it’s Vice President Biden or even if it’s Mayor Bloomberg, 
what I would do is break with conventional wisdom and announce a running mate that’s a woman of color”
CBS This Morning, March 3

We don't do a lot of politics on the blog, you can get that anywhere (the barriers to entry are pretty low) but when we do we usually try to figure out how to make money off understanding the seen and unseen: How 'Peel and repeal' of Britain's corn laws improved the fortunes of the McCormick family or evaluating the financial viability of various green investments.

Sometimes though we do a straight-up politics post. Here's one from Inauguration Day 2017:
Frances Fox Piven On President Trump: "Throw Sand In the Gears of Everything"
When I was young in the business I was told "I don't care if you wear a ring in your nose and live on the beach, when you open your mouth you'd better be right"
We try to get it right.