Sunday, April 17, 2022

"How an energy embargo will impact German CPI"

Philip Pilkington at his Macrocosm substack, March 31:

Back to the Weimar Republic?

Yesterday it was announced that Germany will consider gas rationing as a response to a potential embargo against Russian energy imports. This seems to me an… unwise… policy, but more on that later. First let us look at what the potential impact would be on German CPI.

We start the analysis by stripping out the two large components in the German CPI most likely to be impacted: ‘Electricity, gas and other fuels’ and ‘Fuels and lubricants for vehicles’. Both of these are strongly correlated with German CPI....
....There you have it: German CPI hits 15% by year end....


 So not exactly 1923 but not much fun for the working schlub either.