Wednesday, March 4, 2020

"FT Alphaville’s 'Markets not live' regular segment has been rebranded"

I knew something was up when 1) We saw on Friday, February 28: 
But if you want an alternate gauge of consumer sentiment, this was the hand sanitiser shelf at Boots Oxford Circus at 8.30am this morning:

And 2) on March 2nd: 
Eyes on the pies: London’s best comfort food

Mr. Elder appears to be doing the "pivot to consumer goods."
Can 'Cooking with Bryce' and "How to Make Your Own Hand Sanitizer And Cleaning Wipes" be far behind?
Today though, today we have (after the tiny sandwiches):’s some market context from Jim Reid at Deutsche Bank....
....Yesterday afternoon we looked at what happened to the S&P 500 in the week, six months, and one year after these last 7 emergency cuts. The medium price move after these cuts were +2.8% (1w), -4.3% (6m) and -9.2% (1yr). When you consider the average 1yr price return (excluding dividends) for the S&P 500 is around 6% then that is a considerable 6 months and one year under-performance when the Fed deems it necessary to do an emergency cut. 1998 was the big positive outlier as you didn’t see a subsequent recession and we moved into maximum bubble phase with the extra stimulus.....

And here's to the new Markets Now and a platter of "maximum bubble phase with the extra stimulus"