Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Times of London Answers The Question: "Is The Pope Catholic"

Following up on "Greatest Correction Ever? Hardly".

From Poynter, April 11, 2015:
The (London) Times
In its daily roundup of corrections and clarifications, The Times made an important distinction about the religion of former Pope John Paul II (née Karol Wojtyla), whom it said in an earlier column was not an acolyte of the church he led:
Karol Wojtyla was referred to in Saturday’s Credo column as “the first non-Catholic pope for 450 years”. This should, of course, have read “non-Italian”. We apologise for the error.
In other scripture-related errors The New York Times earlier this year confused which sea Moses parted. It was, of course, the Red Sea.
Additionally, re: "Greatest Correction Ever..." I made the comment:
Now it might be true that the world would be a better place if Ms Kelly stuck to her baliwick, Sark.
This was an awkward attempt to work into the piece a rudimentary exposition of the administrative structure of the Channel Islands:
Oops!!! fāke news, fāke news.* Guernsey is the bailiwick, Sark is a parish of Guernsey. The island of Brecqhou is a tenement of Sark.*
See how easy it is to go astray?
While also playing off the difference between the legal and colloquial uses of the term bailiwick and was in no way intended as disparagement of Ms. Kelly's choice of topics.
We consider Ms Kelly one of the stars in the FT firmament and regret any contrary impression we may have given the reader.

Additionally, unbeknownst to yours truly, Ms. Kelly had indeed posted an additional piece on the energy situation on the tiny island just the day before: 
Sark’s electricity crisis is brewing again
Rest is fine. 
All that being said, I still think she should get inside this place and snap a pic of the Billionaire Barclay Bros: