Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Trading: Introducing a New, Humbler Fly

He and I have different approaches to the blogging thing.
Here's Climateer Investing on Monday morning:
Equities Fun Fact: Three Stocks Have Accounted For 970 of the last 1,000 DJIA Points
That's from Wall Street on Parade who have a more conspiratorial headline than is our wont.
We haven't yet commented on the S&P closing above 3,000 and the Dow Joneses closing over 27,000 because I didn't know what to say. Despite calling for three grand (and more) on the S&P for over two years, getting ridiculously bullish on stocks in the weeks leading up to the Christmas Eve bottom (triple leveraged ETFs, options on S&P futures), and preaching the yield curve is not yet important, despite all that, something doesn't feel right about Friday's action....MORE
And the last three from The Fly at iBank Coin: 
“The Fly” Is a Masterful Trader of Gold
Fuck Peter Schiff and all of the other gold insects.
Here’s the true rundown on gold....MORE 

Stepping Aside For a Minute to Let Some Other People Win
You know how you slow down in a footrace with a child in order to let them win? Fake being slow in order to let this little person brimming with sensitive feelings win in order to feel great? That’s what I’m doing here...MORE 

Today’s Annualized Returns Are +2,686%
See pal, this is who I am and you’re nothing....MORE
Or maybe not that different, in our own ways we're both braggarts.