Wednesday, March 6, 2019

"The wildlife ecologist running Mayor de Blasio’s deer-vasectomy project raked in more than $603,000 in the first two years"

Good grief, it's not like he's doing the snip-snip on unanesthetized tigers or something else that woul warrant combat pay.
A bit late getting to this, it's dated Dec. 29 but it's one more thing to send to a high school guidance counselor who obviously wasn't creative enough.

From the New York Post:

NYC’s deer sterilization boss is making the big bucks
They’re bagging big bucks in Staten Island – and some deer, too.
The wildlife ecologist running Mayor de Blasio’s deer-vasectomy project raked in more than $603,000 in the first two years of the budget-busting program.

Dr. Anthony DeNicola, founder of the nonprofit White Buffalo Inc., was paid up to $2,500 a day for 250 days of project management and field sterilization work during the 2016/17 and 2017/18 seasons, according to city budget documents reviewed by The Post.

DeNicola’s wife Vickie was a staff member during the project’s first season, shooting bucks with tranquilizer guns and wrangling the dazed animals, the Staten Island Advance reported. That role paid $1,600 a day for 150 days of work – a total of $240,000 for a job that typically pays just $29,968 a year, according to

Together, the DeNicolas’ bloated salaries gobbled up to 29 percent of the project’s first-year expenses....MORE