Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Improbable Sentences: Why Is Spock In a Brothel Edition

From Drexel University's The Smart Set:
While fierce combat among various parties in a civil war is raging outside a brothel, inside the prostitutes are acting out various fantasies with the patrons; the chief of police, played by Peter Falk, sets up one of the customers, played by Nimoy, in a scenario with the brothel's accountant....
Oh. Now it all makes sense.
Also at the Smart Set, today's Daily Wire which is where I was going when ambushed by Nimoy:

Daily Wire
18 March 2015

South African's Beat Hotel resident

Buckminster Fuller on the Geodesic Life

In memory of a pig

Bob Dylan and Duluth, Minnesota

On the economy and inherited wealth
17 March 2015
Scorcese to make Grateful Dead film

The continuation novel's golden moment

Adapting Shakespeare for the big screen

Monk to bankroll theater production

Ricks and Wilentz talk Dylan
16 March 2015
Humankind is entering a Long Peace

The "window moment" in a poem

Need an on-the-verge-of-murder emoji?