Following up on yesterday's "Better Angels of Our Nature My Ass: Bill Gross Is a Lousy Writer".
From Barron's Income Investing:
Gross: ‘I Am A Philosophical Nomad Disguised In Western Clothing’
If you were worried that Bill Gross’s departure from Pimco might interrupt your monthly delivery of tedious investment outlook letters, fear not. Gross serves up his customary heap of existential verbosity today by way of the the Janus (JNS) website rather than the Pimco one, but most of the rest remains the same in general tone and bizarreness and elevated word count (1,239, not counting an introductory quote). Yes, these are really the opening sentences:...MORE
I am a philosophical nomad disguised in Western clothing, a wondering drifter, masquerading in a suit near a California beach. Sand forms the foundation of my being and its porosity is at once my greatest strength and deepest wound.The man remains in desperate need of an editor – and maybe a cartographer to outline the boundaries of slightly-too-strange behavior and steer him away – but if you can make it through the first two paragraphs he actually pivots to financial matters more quickly than he usually does, by way of a lengthy discussion of prices and inflation expectations. That leads to a downbeat take on the prospects for prosperity. Here’s Gross again: