Friday, October 10, 2014

Why Is FT Alphaville Obsessed With North Korea's Kim Jong-Un?

Back on Oct. 1 we linked to the news that the little psycho may not be completely with-it:
"Kim Jong-Un's Sister Takes Control in North Korea"
which included some odd bits about obsessive-compulsion, Gruyère (Emmental?) and platform shoes, because it was geopolitical news dammit.

This latest from Alphaville -Pyongyang West- is just pandering, clickbait for clickbait's sake:

Just click here for the cheese eating North Korean fatso who may well be dead already
Journalism today, courtesy of the Telegraph. A n0te to staff aimed at improving online readership…
Good morning. Kim Jong Un has been rolling his way into the news recently, and google trends shows people love searching for him at the weekend… so I’ve prepped some SEO advice.

A piece by the Independent and his lack of visibility are currently fuelling speculation that he may be dead, deposed or just fat and ill. Kim Jong Un dead, Kim Jong Un assassinated, or Kim Jong Un health should do quite well.

A consistent topic (related to his rotundness) is the man’s love for cheese....MORE, including an explanation of our headline.
Alert readers have already noted: there are no first line typos in North Korea.

Much more understandable than this "fatso" posting was FTAv's post on the death of Kim Sr., "It’s what he would’ve wanted…".
And some of their other Kim Jong-Il posts including one at the bottom that links to something called:
Kim Jong-Il and the Carbon Markets