"SEC Might, Might Not Be Doing Its Job Vis-à-Vis Bitcoin"
From DealBreaker:
There are things at which the Securities and Exchange Commission
should probably have a look. Like, say, the unregistered issuance of
securities by companies dealing in fake currencies. You know, just a
gander, if for no other reason than to demonstrate that they’re expected
to follow all of those boring, stupid rules they hate so much. And so they have! Or perhaps not.
Co-founder Evan Wagner said Counterparty had not received
any letter from the SEC and that he and his colleagues were unaware of
any being received by other firms using its software. Either way, he
said, Counterparty is not responsible for the actions of these
third-party firms….
BitBeat received similarly confident assurances from other prominent
Bitcoin 2.0 companies, which seek to facilitate decentralized,
middleman-free commercial enterprises.
Perhaps certain octogenarians have played a hand in this relatively free hand….MORE