Mining: "Sex with Playboy model in bribe allegation"
From our "now for something completely different" file via the Toronto Sun:
Chicomuselo mayor Julio Calderon allegedly demanded that Blackfire Exploration Ltd. arrange a sexual encounter for him with former Playboy model Niurka Marcos (seen here). (Luigi Novi/Wikimedia Commons/HO)
CALGARY - Mounties are investigating allegations a Calgary company bribed a Mexican mayor, only stopping payments when the official demanded a date with a Playboy model as compensation.
Court records show the RCMP obtained a warrant last month to search the Calgary offices of Blackfire Exploration Ltd. for evidence in a bribery investigation.
A sworn "information to obtain a search warrant" from Const. Terrie Lynn Batycki, alleges Blackfire, through its Mexican subsidiary, paid Chicomuselo mayor Julio Calderon more than $19,000.
Batycki's statement also says Blackfire paid for airline tickets for Calderon, his wife and children, as well as other unknown officials, and only stopped payments when his demands became outrageous.
During the course of her investigation, Batycki obtained a document she believes to be a summary of a complaint filed with the president of the Congress of the State of Chiapas by a Blackfire official.
Among the allegations listed was that "Calderon also requested that Blackfire arrange to have (former Playboy model) Niurka Marcos act in Chicomuselos and spend a sexual night with him."
Batycki said the payments were made to Calderon in order for the mayor to ensure community members wouldn't disrupt Blackfire's mining in the region....MORE