Since we’ve been in big economic stimulus bills and such up to our necks, I haven’t had time to call out the really fun legislation that gets introduced all the time in Congress.
One of my favorites are the bills that make dramatic claims about what they can achieve. And health care is one where the need for achievement is only outstripped by the claims of Congress to be able to do that.
Witness S. 391, A bill to provide affordable, guaranteed private health coverage that will make Americans healthier and can never be taken away. That’s right. The description of the bill says it “will provide affordable, guaranteed private health coverage that will make Americans healthier and can never be taken away.”
And it will give you a Thermos full of hot coffee or cocoa, whichever you prefer.
Plus the weather will always be good.
And s’mores every day!
And people will like you no matter what. You’ll lose ten pounds.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
S. 391, A bill to provide affordable, guaranteed private health coverage that will make Americans healthier and can never be taken away
Congress is in session. That's from a handy site, WashingtonWatch which we scan to tag bills we might have an interest in. Here's part of the S.391 post: