Thursday, January 8, 2009

Climateer Quote of the Day, Buildin' Me a Kennel Edition

From the Financial Post:
...“Expensive, low-growth, weak-momentum, negative-sentiment, poor-quality, small-size, and high-beta stocks are likely to shine in January”...
-Playing the January effect
The paragraph preceeding the above gives some context:
...The strategist also noted that the momentum effect tends to disappear and quality tends to fail in January.
He conducted a statistical testing of the January effect on more than 700 factors in the U.S. and 400 in Canada. What he found was that most traditional style factors reverse trend in January for U.S. stocks. For example, the best time-proved value strategy, trailing earnings yield, completely reverse trend. At the same time, most long-term and short-term growth styles also underperformed in January....