As recently as May 28 Cramer was singing FSLR's praises.
"Applied Materials and First Solar: Jim Cramer Likes Both (AMAT; FSLR)"
Here's CNBC's recap of Mad Money, dated June 6:
First Solar [FSLR 243.40-8.29 (-3.29%)
]: The CEO’s “massive insider selling” did “temper my enthusiasm for the stock,” Cramer said. He can’t recommend FSLR until the chief executive explains himself.
One problem: Insider selling is reported on Form 4 and any moron with a keyboard can check any public company. This is not new information. Either Cramer didn't check and only became aware of the issue when the media picked up on the story (I think it was Bloomberg that hammered the point home, although we had a mention a few days earlier) or it didn't matter to Crammer while the stock was going up.
The insider selling at FSLR has been going on for fifteen months without an insider purchase. For future reference FSLR's CIK is 000120919.
Here are the last 100 [!] sales, uninterrupted by a buy.