Monday, April 14, 2008

Climateer's Quote of the Day (TSL)

It was not easy, the competition was hard fought, the entrants superb.

Second runnerup:
Any product that combines the words "catastrophe" and "securitization" is going to be a tough sell in this market....
First runnerup:
“There is growing anecdotal evidence that this may be due to Mexican immigrants departing the United States in search of a better life in Mexico”
Miss congeniality (Jesse Livermore):
...At the same time I realise that the best of all tipsters, the most persuasive of all salesmen, is the tape....
But, at the end of the day, the quote of the day, is:


Last Trade:43.95
Trade Time:4:02PM ET
Change:Up 5.95 (15.66%)

Here are our recent TSL posts.