From Tuco's Child Newsletter, March 3:
Europe and Ukraine have substantial reserves and more recoverable shale gas than the U.S.
Dear Readers, I was recently inspired by K.T. Lynn’s excellent article which discusses the decline of Germany in terms of the “Energiewende” or energy transition.
In reflection of K.T.’s article and Free Fallin’ special tribute to Tom Petty, I present an update on energy and geopolitics, focusing on Germany, Russia, Russia, Russia, and Ukraine.
Putin: Deep-Six Fracking in Europe
Post German nuclear shutdown and Russia gas cut-off, ‘ol Europe could use some 'ol fashioned shale hydrocarbons right about now, especially in Germany, where they have restarted coal plants and are burning wood pellets derived from European old growth forests and new growth USA forests; just trying to stay warm and power their floundering economy.
One article, outlining this historical debacle, is an easy read: “Fossil fools: how Germany’s fear of nuclear power put Putin in charge of Europe" and is a concierge class recommendation by yours truly.
Flack Over Fracking
Fracking is an important source of hydrocarbons worldwide and is a very important part of our economy and national energy security.
In Europe, fracking is getting a second look because of the energy crisis brought on by Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and closure of nuclear plants in Germany. Given the above, Europe has significant fracking resources or shale deposits depending on the country, and overall, Europe could have more potential shale hydrocarbon resources than the USA.
Resource Reports: EIA and USGS World Shale Resource Assessments
Unfortunately, it is generally more difficult to harvest hydrocarbons from shale in Europe vs. the wide open spaces in the USA. This is because of land ownership boundaries, mineral rights and regulations, and perhaps most importantly, the coordinated anti-fracking environmental groups. Many countries have banned fracking in Europe as a result of Green Lobbying. In yet another irony, Ukraine possesses has a lions-share of shale deposits in Europe. Perhaps # 3 in Europe.
Connecting the dots, Ukraine natural gas and European shale resources could perhaps put a dent in Putin's natural gas sales, but alas, the Evil KGB Operative is already multiple chess moves ahead, as described in Russia’s silent shale gas victory in Ukraine.
Loaded with and Cooking with Gas: Ukraine’s Dniepr-Donets basin !
Above: juicy reserves in the Ukraine Dniepr-Donets basin that Ukraine needs.
The Putin Operation and Kremlin Kandidates
Above: License to Kill (add Polonium)
For the last 20 years or so, Putin and Gazprom, in cahoots with perhaps the most corrupt official in modern German history, Gerhard Schroeder, who is or was on the Gazprom board, conducted a well funded campaign to co-opt European energy policy and bring Germany within the sphere of Putin's influence.
For many years the Russian Government and Gazprom surreptitiously funded the German Green Movements and have formed fake environmental organizations to promote natural gas and ban nuclear and fracking. They also funded and promoted politicians and organizations who were pro-Nordstream and anti-nuclear and fracking.
But the Russian’s greatest coup was having in office Schroeder and then Merkel, both the Kremlin’s Kanidates, and pro-Russia natural gas. We also note that ‘ol Hen Merkel was born in East Germany and speaks fluent Russian. How convenient....
Just yesterday I was considering the old quip "You can take the girl out of East Germany but you can't take East Germany out of the girl" as our intro to "Angela Merkel ‘covered up report blaming China for Covid’" but because it is so difficult to definitively say she was working for the Russians decided against it.
What you can say is she was probably the second worst Chancellor in German history and that it is hard to think of what she would have done differently, economically and socially had she been driven by that 'ol ostalgie.
As for Schroeder, it seems he was only about the euros (rubles, maybe Deutsche Marks too). From the introduction to 2021's "Ex-Chancellor Schroeder: Berlin Will ‘Cut the Branch It Sits On’ If It Halts Nord Stream 2’s Construction":
Before we get into the story from Russia's Sputnik I should probably reprise a note from a few years ago:
We've pointed out a few times:
...As the kids say: Find someone to look at you the way Putin looks at Gerhard Schröder.
Herr Schröder was Germany's Chancellor before Mutti came in.
Gazprom has paid him a lot of money.