As we said in February 21's "Serious Conflicts of Interest': Biden EPA Official Oversaw $5B Grant to His Former Employer":
We are attempting to post only on "three-comma" stories and right now those seem to be coming out of the Environmental Protection Agency.*
Well, besides the EPA, another place to look at for those billion-dollar deals is Energy.
From Robert Bryce's substack, March 4:
Plug Power, Which Got A Last-Minute $1.66B Loan Guarantee From DOE, Reports $2.1B LossThe “green” hydrogen company’s 2024 losses were nearly triple its 2022 losses of $724 million. Given its lousy financial condition, why did the Biden DOE give it a loan guarantee?
In 2021, Plug Power was surfing the wave of hydrogen hype. Its stock was selling for $66 per share, and the company said it was going to replace diesel fuel in transportation systems with “green hydrogen.” One of its presentations claimed, “our sales pipeline is robust and diverse.”
That was four years ago.
Yesterday, Plug reported a $2.1 billion loss for 2024, its stock price is falling, and the company is headed for bankruptcy. As I explained here on January 19, the Loan Programs Office, then headed by Jigar Shah, extended a $1.66 billion loan guarantee to Plug four days before Donald Trump was inaugurated. It announced the deal on January 16. In doing so, it ignored a December 17, 2024, report by the DOE’s Inspector General that urged the agency to halt all loans and loan guarantees until it could ensure that it is complying with “conflicts of interest regulations and enforcing conflict of interest contractual obligations.”....
If interested see also:
September 2022 - "John Podesta to join Biden's climate team as top advisor Gina McCarthy departs"
December 2022 - John Podesta Made a Fortune Consulting for Green Energy Billionaires. He Now Oversees a Federal Fund That Could Make Them Rich[er]
February 2023 - Big Money: "The $400 Billion Man Running America’s Clean Energy Transition"
No, not John Podesta, he only has $370 billion to dole out. (NYT, Sept 2, 2022)April 2023 - "America’s $800bn climate splurge is feeding a new lobbying ecosystem"
Following on the mentions of John Podesta and the two huge honeypots of money in yesterdays "E.P.A. Is Said to Propose Rules Meant to Drive Up Electric Car Sales Tenfold" here are some of the; I was going to say flies but the graphic looks like locusts, the critters being attracted to the feast....***...There is so much money being transformed from worthless treasury debt and tax receipts into valuable commissions, fee income, retainers and profits by and for the courtiers, hangers-on and purveyors in proximity to the Imperial Capital that it is no wonder that real estate is a topic of endless discussion....September 2023 - "Fact Check: Is Biden Advisor John Podesta in Naked Body Paint Photo?"
File under: Things I wasn't expecting when looking to see what John Podesta was up to.October 2023 - Takeaways From Tense Hearing On Department Of Energy Climate Spending
The person in the hot seat was Jigar Shah, administrator of the larger but lesser known of the two Biden Administration funding programs for renewables. The Wall Street Journal called him the $400 billion man. Which, I suppose would make John Podesta the $370 billion man.February 2024 - Money, Money, Money: “'This is a BFD”: Governor Newsom Highlights Massive $15.5+ Billion in Climate Investments from Biden Administration'"
There is a lot of money flowing out of Washington D.C.
December 2024 - "With Trump Looming, Biden’s Green Bank Moves to Close Billions in Deals"
And many, many more.