The GOOG knows they have a problem with surfacing a whole lot of sites, a problem that goes back at least nine years and they realize that with AI-based or AI-assisted search engines coming on strong (plus the probability that Mr. Musk's xAI will likely enter the fray) that unless Google reworks the algorithms their crown jewel, and more importantly the source of the bulk of the ad revenue will slowly become irrelevant.
From Search Engine Roundtable, March 14:
Google officially announced the rollout of the March 2025 core update yesterday at around 12:30 pm ET. This core update is expected to take up to two weeks to roll out. Google said this is a regular core update but did make a note about helping surface content from content creators.
Google wrote on LinkedIn two points:
(1) "This is a regular update designed to better surface relevant, satisfying content for searchers from all types of sites," Google wrote
(2) "We also continue our work to surface more content from creators through a series of improvements throughout this year. Some have already happened; additional ones will come later," Google added. My gut, based on the wording here, is that we won't see much change in terms of improvement for most content creators hit by previous core updates or helpful content updates. But let's wait it out and see what happens over the coming weeks.
I am surprised this is the first core update we had of 2025, I was expecting more core updates, more often but who knows...
If interested see also:
"To Break Google’s Monopoly on Search, Make Its Index Public" (GOOG)
Treat them like the utilities they are.
The author, Dr. Robert Epstein is the former editor-in-chief at Psychology Today, search-engine researcher, Huffington Post contributor etc....
From Bloomberg Businessweek....
Or at the Huffington Post:
Google Critic Killed in “Ironic” Car Accident: Struck by Google Street View Vehicle
San Diego, CA. Prominent research psychologist and author Dr. Robert Epstein, age 60, was killed yesterday afternoon by a Google Street View vehicle while crossing Front Street in San Diego, where he has long resided. Although foul play is not suspected, Epstein’s friends are calling the accident “ironic.”According to Daryn Thompson, a 30-year friend of Epstein’s who also lives in San Diego, “We all know that Google isn’t evil, so there’s no chance this was deliberate, but it’s troubling and ironic that it just happened to be an outspoken critic of Google who was hit. I’m sure it was just a coincidence, though.”...MORE
Or maybe "Warped sense of humour could be ‘sign of impending dementia’"
Following last week's "Long-winded speech could be early sign of Alzheimer's disease, says study" a "friend" sent this along.
I can't catch a freaking break this month....