Saturday, June 29, 2024

"The Future of Fashion Commerce Is a Designer’s AI Bot Saying You Look Great and Your Personal AI Bot Sifting Through the Bullshit"

As noted over the last few years, due to budget cutbacks* at Climateer Investing we've had to combine our sports/fashion/investing departments.

From Hunter Walk (self-aware self-promotion), June 24:

Maybe I should be more worried about Artificial General Intelligence but these days it’s the probability of Artificial General Bullshit that leaves me wondering about AI-powered everything. Given that the enshittification of the web is largely driven by economic incentives, why do we believe AI will be any different? I mean it’s largely the same people, same companies doing the building anyway.

Back in 2016 when agentic consumer tech was just starting to pique interests I wrote “What Happens When Bots Learn to Lie?” Was the post about electronic disinformation? Wrong. About the massive security and hacking threats ahead from machine-generated deceptions? Ha, I wish I was that smart. Nope, rather my intellectual horsepower focused on the implications of hyper sophisticated ‘sales people,’ powered by AI and optimized for transaction. Eight years later, with the GPTs and LLMs advancing faster than a cheetah on prey, I’m even more sure this is coming. It’s our future – at least for a period of time and for some people/industries.

Ok what do I mean? The best commerce platforms will be constantly grooming you, priming you, shaping you to buy. The combination of short-term and long-term value that leads to the optimal financial outcome for the business. Imagine a helpful shopping bot sitting on StockX or Gucci with as much information as possible about your demographics, purchase history, and so on. All that information exists today and is used to tailor mostly asynchronous (email marketing) or low fidelity (recommended for you) personalization. But when it can be turned into conversational real-time sales, we unlock the best salesperson who ever existed! Before you know it, instead of one item, you have three in your basket, assured that it’s a fierce look, and paired with a BNPL offer....

See for example:  
As we've mentioned, due to budget cutbacks we've had to combine some previously free-standing subject areas e.g. here, accounting and fashion....  
Because human models are so last season
As we said in "IRAN reacts to U.S. President's Comments On Colin Kaepernick By Launching Missles While North Koreans Chant ‘Death to Trump’ Over Steph Currey Dis":
Due to threatened budget cutbacks we are considering consolidating our politics, sports, national security and fashion coverage....
Well, the cutbacks weren't just a threat, departments are being combined, which is why you've seen posts on the St. Louis Fed's FRED clothing line, 3D printed couture and such stories as:

European Bankers on Top of The League Tables For Fashion Sense

Barney's New York Introduces a $375 Antifa Jacket

This Father's Day, #Boycott Dolce & Gabbana.... this $245 #Boycott Dolce & Gabbana t-shirt....

So, unfortunately for patient reader, the trend continues as the powers that be decree the cat video pivot now has to be combined with something as well. So here's strutting the catwalk. I am so sorry....