Monday, June 10, 2024

Izabella Kaminska Flags An Article On Société Générale's Albert Edwards

At Ms. Kaminska's personal site, the Blind Spot:

In the Blind Spot (A tale of two Chinas)

  SNEAK PEEK — A tale of two Chinas. Izzy explores our growing inability to make sense of what's really happening in China. — SocGen's Albert Edwards thinks the recession everyone was expecting but never came, might finally have arrived. — Dario updates us on the latest with the Red Sea and Horn of Africa....

And at Business Insider,  June 5:

3 signs the US economy is nearing a recession have flashed in the last week, SocGen says

Izzy is a Senior Finance Editor at POLITICO Europe, a sister publication of Insider. She should do a color revolution, Insider has had a couple stumbles over the last year.

She was also a reporter, columnist and essayist at FT Alphaville, where the founding editor, Paul Murphy also flagged Albert Edwards, here sixteen years ago, May 9, 2008:

Edwards: “We are on the cusp of an equity meltdown that will slash and shred portfolios like Freddie Krueger”

 Could the uber-bear, Albert Edwards, possibly become more bearish?

Yep! From his global strategy weekly, sent out to SocGen clients....


Four months later:

On September 7, 2008 Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were placed into conservatorship.
On September 14, 2008 Merrill Lynch agreed to be acquired by Bank of America to avoid a Reg. T shut-down when markets re-opened.
On September 15 Lehman filed their bankruptcy petition.
On September 16 AIG became a 79.9% subsidiary of the U.S. Treasury.

Within 10 more days the Nation's largest thrift, WaMu was seized and five days later Wachovia gobbled up.

Good times, good times.

And a good flag. 

Ms Kaminska also dabbles in the dark arts of foreign exchange commentary, here calling the intermediate-term bottom of the British pound.

It was the reversal of an almost 1100 year downtrend. (928 AD - 2022 AD) So a good call. 

But where was she when we got crosswise to the the Denarius/Shekel pair in A.D. 70?
As we were running those damn "Here at Masada Securities we consider ourselves a fortress of strength in these uncertain times...." adverts.

No word on Mr. Murphy's dark arts though his editorship and running interference for Dan McCrum as he put the Wirecard story together would qualify.