Friday, February 9, 2024

Meanwhile In Russia: Candidate For Next Month's Presidential Election Barred From Ballot

Good grief, how Banana Republic can you get.

From The Barents Observer, February 8:

Russian anti-war candidate banned from Presidential elections. “Millions wanted to vote for me. We will appeal.”

The only anti-war candidate Boris Nadezhdin has been barred from participating in the Russian presidential election scheduled to be held from the 15th till the 17th of March.    

According to Russian law, to be registered as a presidential candidate, one has to submit to the Central Election Commission 100,000 signatures minimum in one’s support from ordinary Russian citizens. 

Russia’s Central Election Commission confirmed they received 104, 734 signatures in support of Mr Nadezhdin. After reviewing  60,000 of them, 9,147  were branded as “invalid” based on different mistakes and inaccuracies the Commission said were found. 

Boris Nadezhdin - the 60-year-old academic and a politician - was not surprised by such a decision: 

“Dozens of millions of people want to vote for me. According to all the polls, I’m the second most popular candidate after Putin”. - Nadezhdin said publicly right after the decision to ban him was announced. - “But we expected such a decision. We have 10 days to appeal in the High Court of Russia,” he added....