Wednesday, August 16, 2023

The Edge Of Wetness: "Hilary Expected To Become A Hurricane Tomorrow"

It's been quiet in the Atlantic with only one hurricane, Don, who wandered in circles before heading off toward Iceland. So we'll check in on the Pacific coast where Tropical Storm Hilary looks set to intensify right up to category 3. From the National Hurricane Center:

cone graphic

Although the cone of uncertainty currently has the storm moving up the coast from Tijuana to San Diego and Los Angeles it could turn inland at any time and if that happens after it hits major hurricane strength it could get messy.

Also note that although the storm is forecast to degrade from a cat. 3 to a post-tropical cyclone by the time it nears L.A. it could still pack a wallop.

Back to the East Coast, The Orlando Sentinel is calling attention to three disturbances, two in the Atlantic coming off the main development area and one in the Gulf of Mexico: 

if the graphic disappears here's the URL: or click the story link above.

The Sentinel  does a straightforward job with their hurricane coverage.

If interested, here is a 2020 post: "Could a hurricane lash Los Angeles? 80 years ago, this deadly storm came close".