Saturday, June 10, 2023

"First batch of grain products for export passed through 'New land grain corridor Russia-China'"

From PoAndPo Agrifish, June 2:

China is the largest consumer of food and traditionally occupies a leading position in the world in terms of grain consumption, which is more than 450 million tons (20% share in the world) and, accordingly, in grain imports, about 40 million tons (10% share).

So, at the moment, the share of domestic wheat in China's imports is less than 1%. The export of Siberian grain is complicated by logistics.

The situation should be corrected by the development of the Russia-China railway corridor, which will open access to grain from surplus Siberian regions to the Chinese market.

The Zabaikalsky Specialized Grain Terminal is part of the New Land Grain Corridor group of companies, which implements a program supported by the President of the Russian Federation, the Chairman and Government of the Russian Federation, and the Eurasian Economic Commission.

On May 31, 2023, the world's first specialized full-cycle land grain terminal, Zabaikalsk-Manchuria, began shipping grain products to China....
