Saturday, June 17, 2023

"China developing ‘science fiction’ super warship, report claims"

From The New York Post, June 16:

China has revealed plans to develop a futuristic warship that would include breakthrough technologies that would bring “science fiction to the real world,” according to a report. 

The ship will utilize nuclear energy to power electromagnetic weapons, an official claimed

“It will completely overturn the combat formation of naval fleets that has been in place for over a hundred years,” People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Navy Rear Adm. Ma Weiming said in a peer-reviewed paper, the South Morning China Post reported. 

The Chinese supership would look to adopt new technology such as rail guns, rocket launchers, laser weapons and high-powered microwaves. The technology would “cleverly and effectively transform the energy from the ship’s power source – nuclear energy – into the electromagnetic energy needed to power” the weapons, Ma wrote. 

The admiral argued that these different capabilities would turn a single ship into an “all-purpose” platform that can perform “the traditional tasks of a fleet of conventional ships.”...


As the kids say: "Big if true."