Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Having Conquered Web3, Facebook/Meta Is Moving On To Webs4 and 5 (META)

It's possible I misunderstood the story but I am hoping against hope that this means Mr. Zuckerberg and his advisor Mr. Andreessen will be supporting CryptoKitties once again.

From The Block:

Meta announces plans to stop working on NFTs

Meta is ditching its pursuit of NFTs as the company looks to prioritize, according to Stephane Kasriel, head of commerce and financial technologies at Meta. 

"Some product news: across the company, we're looking closely at what we prioritize to increase our focus. We’re winding down digital collectibles (NFTs) for now to focus on other ways to support creators, people, and businesses," Kasriel wrote in a Twitter thread. 

Meta previously said NFTs could help expand the creator economy. Instagram announced plans for a Polygon-supported NFT marketplace as recently as November....


In other META news:

Meta Unveils New Round of 10,000 Job Cuts Amid Tech Sector Hiring Slump; Stock Leaps

Mr. Andreessen has been the driving force behind Web3 and also had CryptoKitty connections: 

CryptoKitty Trading Volume Collapses: Andreessen, Union Square and Climateer Hurt Worst

He also has an interesting connection to Meta/Zuckerberg:
"Meanings of the metaverse: The Andreessen solution"
A quick note. Mr. Andreessen through a16z is an early investor in FB/MVRS. He is also on the company's board. Additionally he is, in some quarters, thought to be the Svengali behind Mr. Zuckerberg.*

*Previously on Marc & Zuck:
Facebook's Investors Criticize Marc Andreessen for Conflict of Interest

"Marc Andreessen Has a Pretty Creepy Relationship With Zuck" (FB)

"Facebook investors yell at CEO: Get the Zuck out of our boardroom!" (FB)