Friday, December 16, 2022

Turkey Is Making Its Move On Svalbard, Planning To Accede To The Svalbard Treaty

From High North News, December 7:
Svalbard: A New Steppe of Russia and Turkey Under the Sovereignty of Norway?
.... Svalbard displays an interesting case in this puzzle. Legally, Russia and Turkey can engage in economic activities in Svalbard under the Norwegian sovereignty, which is under the guarantee of the 1920 Treaty.

Russia in Barentsburg: An old actor in Svalbard

Russia controls the largest Arctic territory and undeniably is an important game maker and game changer in the Arctic. Russia was always in Svalbard, had always interests in Svalbard. There has been a Russian population in Svalbard mostly working in coal mines. However, to be present in Svalbard is also important because of the geostrategic importance of the island.

There are different perceptions on the Russian position in Svalbard derived from my own interviews with Norwegian officials and scholars. Before the beginning of the war, in November 2021, I conducted an interview with a diplomat in Oslo where (s)he told me “Russia will challenge us in Svalbard”.

After the war, the news occurred in newspapers on the logistics problem of Russian supplies in Svalbard. Another official from High North Department told me that there was no problem with Russia in Svalbard and what happened in June was not a conflict and it  was resolved calmly.

Turkey has no connection with the Arctic.

Professor Øystein Jensen from Fridtjof Nansen Institute indicated that Norway has absolute sovereignty in Svalbard and Russia does not challenge it.

Turkey: A new actor in Svalbard Treaty
For Turkey, to be in Svalbard is much more important than to do something in Svalbard. Just a quick reminder: the elections are approaching in Turkey (June 2023), Erdogan's every interaction in foreign affairs takes place inside and is shown as a heroic story.

Although the Arctic experts I spoke to at the Arctic Circle Assembly in Reykjavik in October 2022 had never heard of Turkey's application, Turkish media announced it with great domestic resonance as well as Putin's statement that "Turkey would become Europe’s gas hub," is cited as a success story in grain diplomacy.

On Svalbard, Turkish media gave the impression that it would make a direct economic contribution, especially when it became a party to the Svalbard Treaty. Svalbard will not bring immediate economic gains to Turkey.

Turkey has no connection with the Arctic; has no Arctic strategy or established Arctic social science programmes. Arctic’s fame in “ice is melting, and resources are getting accessible for exploitation” also made Ankara to be interested in the region.

Svalbard became the focus of interest and the Svalbard treaty signed by President Erdogan in July 2022 and will be ratified (probably) by the parliament. 

What is the advantage of being a part of Svalbard Treaty in 2022?....


Also at High North News: 

I Never Allowed the Salmon Industry to Steal My Coastal Identity

(people being bestial, not, you know, the other thing)