Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Attila The Hun: Not Such A Bad Guy

From ScienceAlert, December

Attila The Hun Attacked Rome to Save His People From Starvation, New Study Suggests

It seems the Huns may not have been the cut-throat barbarians who had an "infinite thirst for gold", as suggested by some classical historians.

A new study reconstructing climate data from tree rings suggests these semi-nomadic people were compelled to raid and invade the eastern Roman provinces because of sheer hunger.

According to the natural archive recorded in the growth lines of oak trees from the Czech Republic and Bavaria, the early fifth century on the Great Hungarian plain was marked by a series of very dry summers.

Between the years 420 and 450 CE, people living on the Eurasian steppes would have experienced a tumultuous climate, archaeologists from the University of Cambridge say.

Times of drought would have forced Hun communities to switch back and forth between farming in a fixed spot and herding animals to lusher pastures....