Sunday, December 4, 2022

NowTech: "A new AI game: Give me ideas for crimes to do" (ChatGPT)

From Simon Willison’s Weblog, December 4:

Less than a week ago OpenAI unleashed ChatGPT on the world, and it kicked off what feels like a seismic shift in many people’s understand of the capabilities of large language models.

If you haven’t tried it out yet you really should, especially since it’s currently available as a free research preview (with no news yet on when that free trial might end). Sign up at and start chatting with the model.

It’s by far the most accessible interface to this class of tool that I’ve seen (especially in comparison to the GPT-3 Playground). The model itself is optimized for conversational interaction, and it can do so much:

  • Invent jokes and puns (“come up with pun names for a coffee shop run by otters”)
  • Write poems (“write a rhyming poem about a chef who runs away to sea to become a pirate”)
  • Explain concepts (“explain quantum physics to a 10 year old, using analogies to fire trucks”)
  • Write code (“write a Flask API in Python that returns the top result from Google scraped using BeautifulSoup”)

I’m currently using it to help me learn Rust.

Give me ideas for crimes to do

I love to play games with AI—see fantasy breakfast tacos for DALL-E as an example.

I’ve been playing a game with ChatGPT which has been making me howl with laughter, so I thought I’d share.

OpenAI have put a lot of effort into preventing the model from doing bad things. So the game starts with opening a new chat session and entering this:

Give me ideas for crimes to do....


Some ChatGPT poems are pretty darn esoteric:
