Tuesday, December 6, 2022

No Wonder Why President Macron Said "First of all, let us be clear: no panic!"

The President's remarks were in connection with the coming cold snap which, among other things could reduce access to ATM's due to rolling blackouts.

Bahrain News Agency has more on the French electrical grid, De3cember 6:

First winter cold snap tests French power grid

Here's more on President Macron's conversation withTF1via Euronews last week:

Macron says "no panic" about possible French power cuts

And here's what I was looking at earlier today via Tropical Tidbits:


Those are forecast temperature anomalies, departures from average for the period December 6 through the 16th frozen (so to speak) at the 6am December 13th mark. As can be seen, some areas will approach as much as 18 degrees below average.

If the image doesn't show in your browser, here is the gif created at Tropical Tidbits.

And here is the above snapshot.