Sunday, December 11, 2022

"‘All bets off’ if Iran gets nuclear weapons: Saudi foreign minister"

 We've been here before. The Sunnis are serious.

From Reuters via the New York Post, December 11:

Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister said on Sunday that Iran’s Gulf Arab neighbors would act to shore up their security if Tehran were to obtain nuclear weapons.

Indirect US-Iranian talks to salvage a 2015 nuclear pact between global powers and Iran, which Washington exited in 2018, stalled in September. The UN nuclear chief has voiced concern over a recent announcement by Tehran that it was boosting enrichment capacity.

“If Iran gets an operational nuclear weapon, all bets are off,” Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud said in an on-stage interview at the World Policy Conference in Abu Dhabi when asked about such a scenario.

“We are in a very dangerous space in the ‘All bets off’ if Iran gets nuclear weapon…you can expect that regional states will certainly look towards how they can ensure their own security.”....


In 2016: "Pakistan Threatens To Wipe Iran Off the Face of The Earth If Saudi Arabia Threatened"

 And 2015: "Saudi Arabia to buy nuclear bombs from Pakistan: report"

Ditto: "The Long-Term Oil Play"
Some of the easily identifiable considerations to plug into your model are the depressive effects of slowing population growth and international agreements to use force to further the stranded assets argument, the inflationary effects of a reduction in the total resource and more particularly in the lower cost plays and the could-go-either-way interplay of price and regulation in the development of alternative transportation and whether Saudi Arabia asks Pakistan to lend them 60-70 nukes until their domestic nuclear development program gets going.

Then there are the unknown unknowns....

And 2013: "Saudi Arabia Has Nuclear Weapons ‘on order,’ Ready to Deliver from Pakistan: Report"

And 2012: "Riyadh to Beijing: We’ll Pay for Nuclear-Capable Ballistic Missiles with All the Oil You Need "