Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Smil: "The energy historian who says rapid decarbonization is a fantasy"

A few hours ago we had Vaclav Smil on tomatoes, here he is on decarbonizing.

From the Los Angeles Times, September 5:

Vaclav Smil rarely agrees to interviews. Too many in the media have portrayed him as a tool of Big Oil, he says — because he insists on pointing out how deeply dependent humanity is on fossil fuels and how difficult it will be to give them up.

The economist and professor emeritus at Canada’s University of Manitoba heats his house with solar energy. He’s no global warming denier. He recognizes the need to move away from plastics, but asks readers to note how often they touch plastic every day and ask themselves how rapid they think the switch can be.

His mission: lay out facts. “I’m not an optimist or a pessimist,” he likes to say. “I’m a scientist.”

Smil, 79, has spent a lifetime studying the history of energy — from wood to coal to oil to gas and nuclear to wind and solar — and has written dozens of deeply researched books.

He’s highly regarded and frequently cited in academic circles and counts Bill Gates among his most famous fans.

Smil recently switched to a new publisher, and his two latest books, “Numbers Don’t Lie” and “How the World Really Works,” were written and edited to be more accessible to a wider readership.

The Times interviewed Smil via email. Following are excerpts, lightly edited for length and clarity.

Much of the climate debate, you write, is dominated by catastrophists who are certain humanity finds itself on the eve of destruction, and utopians who fervently believe that technology will save the human race. How should the rest of us think about real solutions to serious energy and environmental problems?

Nothing can be more counterproductive than any certainty regarding complex affairs.

Uncertainty and unpredictability will always remain the most fundamental attributes of human existence.

In managing our energy affairs we should constantly favor doable steps: not wasting 40% of our food grown with high energy expense, not to heat or cool the universe in poorly designed but oversize houses, not to waste fuel and materials driving SUVs (nearly two tons of mass to move, usually, a single body), not to design cities that demand lengthy commutes, not to keep amassing rarely used products, not to travel mindlessly.

Instead we continue, and expand, our wasteful ways while trying to come up with miraculous — and in the near-term most unlikely — solutions, everything from running on hydrogen to controlled fusion. Good luck with that.

Many people and policymakers seem to think with enough money and willpower, we can rapidly switch to renewable energy. You believe this is a delusion, and the transformation will take decades.

It’s not a matter of belief. What is decisive is the size of the global energy system, its economic and infrastructural inertia.....


He also opines on bovines: 

 And other stuff:
And so, so much more. Usually related to energy.