Thursday, September 1, 2022

Izabella Kaminska Does A Driveby On The Fed Balance Sheet - Repo Connection With A Possible Solution From The Crypto World

 A quick hit from Izabella de Bloomberg, August 31:

The Crypto Innovation Traditional Finance Needs
Perpetual futures are one of the most important inventions to come out of crypto. They should inspire new thinking in dollar markets too.

Despite all the innovation in the app economy for matching supply and demand for physical services (think: Uber surge pricing), there is no equivalent for balancing distortions in funding markets in real time.

The world of “intraday” funding — i.e., cash borrowed during the day as opposed to overnight — remains highly dependent on excess liquidity from central banks, even as Federal Reserve officials move to accelerate the rate at which this is to be withdrawn over September and October. Once this de facto free liquidity is retracted, funding shortages could easily appear again, potentially toppling over into overnight and longer-term markets. If they do, market participants will have to come up with their own solution — or go cap in hand to the Fed and risk stigmatization.

Believe it or not, the world of crypto — which has never had recourse to a lender of last resort — can now be looked to for inspiration on how to navigate this tighter environment.

Take, for example, the perpetual swap (or perpetual future as it’s also known). Since its creation in 2016, it has become hugely popular in the highly parochial world of crypto trading due to the way it allows speculators to take synthetic positions that avoid the risk, cost and friction associated with having to move or manage actual cryptocurrency, which can be hacked, mismanaged or inaccessible if a password is lost....