Sunday, February 13, 2022

Poland: The Mask Comes Off

No, not the covid masks, it sounds like March at the earliest before those are to come off and the Poles can breathe the sweet air of freedom rather than the stinky "I should have brushed my teeth better" mask breath. 

Rather, this,

Well, here it is folks:

They laughed when we posted these in 2017:

Who's laughing now?  Huh?

The Poles, Lithuanians et al  have been trying to get the band back together for 387 years. The Polish Commonwealth in 1635 in red: 

Playing the long game.

note: trying to figure-out where Kiev and Smolensk are on this map to double-check this isn't post-the-1667 Treaty of Andrusovo. I think we're good.