Friday, February 11, 2022

"Make Way For The French Nuclear Power Renaissance"

From OilPrice, February 10:

French President Emmanuel Macron has called for 13 new nuclear reactors in what he called a "renaissance" of the country's nuclear power industry.

France, like its European peers, have ambitious plans to move away from fossil fuels. For some, it means an aggressive plan to shift away from natural gas and crude oil and toward wind, solar, geothermal, or hydrogen. For other European countries, it includes a robust nuclear power program.

In the coming years, France will "need to produce a lot more electricity," Macron said in a speech on Thursday at a turbine plant.

Macron's plan calls for an order of six new-generation ERP2 reactors (European Pressurised Reactor), and an order for a study of eight additional reactors....