Monday, February 14, 2022

Class War: Ocasio-Cortez Call For Studet Loan Cancellation "his hesitation has 'demoralized a very critical voting block'"

I'll say it again:

Monday, June 17, 2019
"Elizabeth Warren to introduce bill cancelling up to $50,000 in student debt for most borrowers"

Oh good grief that is so regressive.
Why would you further advantage those who are already advantaged with a college education?
If you are going to do such a thing give every adult in the country the $50K.
$12 13 trillion and away you go.
Time it for the next recession and call it stimulus.

Here's the Senator Warren story at MarketWatch.....

If one was looking for a way to ignite class warfare there are few ways to do it quicker than giving more to those who already have a leg up on the rest of the population.

And today's story from Business Insider:

  • Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called out President Joe Biden's inaction on student-debt cancellation.
  • "I can't underscore how much the hesitancy of the Biden Administration to pursue student-loan cancellation has demoralized a very critical voting block."
  • Democrats have urged Biden to forgive $50,000 in student debt for every federal borrower.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in a new interview with the New Yorker criticized the Biden administration's inaction on broad student-debt relief.

The New York Democrat said student-loan cancellation is "one of the single most impactful things" President Joe Biden can do that would have wide-reaching effects.  

"It's entirely within his power," Ocasio-Cortez said. "This really isn't a conversation about providing relief to a small, niche group of people. It's very much a keystone action politically. I think it's a keystone action economically as well."

Ocasio-Cortez said that Biden's reluctance to issue broad student-debt forgiveness may cost him politically.

"I can't underscore how much the hesitancy of the Biden Administration to pursue student-loan cancellation has demoralized a very critical voting block that the President, the House, and the Senate need in order to have any chance at preserving any of our majority," the lawmaker told the New Yorker.....


Say what?