Wednesday, November 10, 2021

The EU Does Not Want Poland To Send The People On The Polish/Belarusian Border To Germany

My first thought on seeing the children behind the young men trying to force the border was "Why don't the Poles just entrain the people—some say they are Kurds, I have a bit more sympathy for them than for Syrians making the same move—and get them to the German border which is their stated destination.

But there are a couple problems with that idea. 1) Brussels says absolutely not. and 2) The optics of putting masses of people on trains in that part of the world are not so good. If you look at the map of the towns and cities within, say 200 km of the border, from the north Hrodna (Grodno); Bialystok; Brest; Sobibor; Lviv; Lublin:

You can add the word "massacre" to each name and get a multi-hit search result of mainly WWII, but also 1906, atrocities. 

Sobibor was the site of the Nazi extermination camp of the same name, it is located at the intersection of the current Belarus, Ukraine and Polish borders

Lublin was the site of another Nazi mass-murder factory/concentration camp, Majdanek as well as the location of the two-day "Harvest Festival" (Erntefest) operation, November 3 - 4, 1943 when some 43,000 people were shot to death.

So no trains, even though they would be heading West.

It is up to the EU, Belarus and Russia to find a solution, the Poles just happen to be in the way.