Monday, November 15, 2021

"Hedge Fund CIO: Here's Why Trading Often Destroys People, Slowly Devouring Them From Within"

There's no hope for me but there is still time to save yourselves.

From ZeroHedge:

By Eric Peters, CIO of One River Asset Management

Losing money sucks. Lots of other things do too. Most of us hate being wrong. We go to extraordinary lengths to protect our egos. Which is absurd of course, but we are curious little creatures, taught as children to aim for 100% on each test, to win every ball game.

At some point in a trading career, we either learn to deal with the humiliation of making mistakes or we fail. And the way karma works, the harder we deny our errors the more public the ultimate humiliation.

Lots of investors target longer time horizons so that they make infrequent predictions, which means fewer possible mistakes to confront. Traders on the other hand, make lots of smaller bets, which guarantees frequent winners and losers. But for some odd reason, victories are less pleasurable than defeats are painful, so on balance, trading depletes us. Which is why it often destroys people, slowly devouring them from within.... 


"Yes, Life in the Fast Lane Kills You"
New insights into mitochondria reveal how life expends energy. 


And finally, a cautionary tale: