Monday, November 1, 2021

"Going back in time and telling a Tesla bull the company is worth $1tn" (TSLA)

From  Patrick McGee posted at FT Alphaville:

When u think about it, it makes perfect sense.

This is a guest post from the FT’s San Francisco correspondent Patrick McGee. He is the “Me” here. 

Me: Well, Tesla has done it: it’s worth $1tn! More valuable than the next nine carmakers COMBINED! 

19Bull: OMG I knew it - 1m robotaxis on the road just as my man promised!

Me: Errr... No. None actually, but “Full self driving” is ...

19Bull: A full-blown reality — obviously!

Me: Well, 2,000 people are testing it but Elon says left turns don’t work. Might work tomorrow though! Couple bugs to fix.

19Bull: Still, can’t believe they solved autonomy. Imagine the faces of the people who doubted Elon!

Me: Oh they didn’t. It’s just called “full self driving.” It doesn’t actually drive without you. You gotta keep hands on wheel, eyes on road. But it only costs $10,000, so analysts are bullish of wide adoption....


Very, very good.

Back in the day we used to call it create-a-corp. Just wait til you see what SpaceX will be talking about.