Monday, November 1, 2021

COP26: Radio Davos Is On The Air

From the World Economic Forum, October 27:

COP26: what to expect from the climate change summit - on the Radio Davos podcast

  • The climate summit COP26 runs 1-12 November in Glasgow.
  • On this Radio Davos podcast, we discuss the big issues for the COP.
  • And climate campaigner Jennifer Morgan sets out her hopes and fears.

"COP26 is not a photo-op nor a talking shop," Alok Sharma, the British government minister who will chair the climate summit, said in a recent speech....


And this morning:
Forum COP26 Live
01—12 November 2021
Top Sessions
Business Ambition for 1.5C - A Call to Action
....MORE, including video 
These early sessions are basically threat/warning "If you aren't at the table you are on the menu" stuff.
Early sessions of 26 are interesting, especially for aficionados of COPs 1-through-25, for the overview of what the pitch will be in the middle sessions as well as for a first look at changes in emphasis.
We'll be watching for increasingly aggressive talk regarding methane and a slight diminution of the role of carbon dioxide.