Monday, October 11, 2021

Anti-Nukes Losing Ground In the E.U.


You can't on the one hand claim a climate emergency and on the other hand reject out-of-hand possible solutions. Besides being irrational it also exposes your purported (articulated) goal as a bit fraudy.

"Ils ne se servent de la pensée que pour autoriser leurs injustices,
 et emploient les paroles que pour déguiser leurs pensées"
(Men use thought only to justify their wrong doings, and employ speech only to conceal their thoughts).
Francis M. Voltaire: Dialogue xiv. Le Chapon et la Poularde (1766).
A winner, hands down.
From Sputnik, October 11: 
Scholar: 'Extremists of Green Movement Are Losing Ground' as Pro-Nuclear Alliance Surges Within EU